The United Mexican States is a state in North America, the world's largest population of Hispanic countries. It borders with the United States of America, with Belize, Guatemala. It is washed by the waters of the Gulf of California, the Pacific Ocean, the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The capital, Mexico City, is the picturesque capital and the most populous city in the country. The form of government is a federal presidential republic. The head of state is the president.
Climate. The country is tropical and subtropical. The temperature on the coast closer to the south does not fall below +20°C.
Population. The estimated population for 2022 was about 133,594,000.
Language. Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking country. But people of Indian origin use many more languages and dialects. In the resort areas, everyone speaks English. Also spoken languages are French, German, Italian.
Today, Mexico is a country whose economy has become one of the largest in the world. In the South American continent, it is second only to Brazil. In terms of growth rates in Latin America, the country's economy ranks first. Mexico is a country of tropical jungles and deserts, a country of cowboys and the mysterious Mayan civilization, delicious cuisine and strong tequila. It is so bright and colorful that it is simply impossible to recognize it from tourist booklets.
There is too much talk about Mexico about how unsafe it is. Indeed, there are places where it is better not to go, but in large cities and tourist areas it is quite safe. There are many police officers on the street, and they all keep order. Therefore, subject to small precautionary rules, the country can be called calm. Of course, when choosing a country for moving, you want to be 100% sure that it is safe in this country. But if you look at the migration statistics, then Mexico is open to all inhabitants of the world.
Why do many people choose this country? This includes rapid economic growth, which has affected the quality of life of the population, and low prices for real estate, education, medicine, and the immigration procedure itself - this is a fairly easy procedure for obtaining a residence permit. After obtaining citizenship, a new resident of the country receives not only the right to vote in elections, but also a simplified procedure for obtaining an American visa. A Mexican passport allows visa-free border crossings to more than a hundred countries.
Mexico is a charming country with friendly people. The sun always shines here, and the turquoise waters of the Caribbean provide the opportunity to indulge in diving. There are many architectural monuments here, and a walk through the old quarters will help you get in touch with the mysterious Mayan culture.
Mexico is a land of contrasts. Where the combination of several cultures, the beauty of nature and unforgettable Mexican cuisine will not leave anyone indifferent. And how can you remain indifferent if the locals have an official holiday in November - the Day of the Dead! And this is one of the most fun events in the country. On this day, there is joy and fun everywhere with street parades and festivities.