

Mongolia is a country in East Asia. Has no access to the sea. It borders on Russia and China. Mongolia is a parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president. The capital Ulaanbaatar is one of the coldest capitals in winter in the world. The country's economy is largely dependent on the main trading partners of China and Russia. Climate. The climate of Mongolia is the most sharply continental on the planet with severe winters and dry hot summers. Number. The approximate number of the country at the end of 2022 will be 3,400,948 people. Language. The official language in Mongolia is Mongolian. it is spoken by the main part of the population of the country, as well as the Mongols of China. In addition to the state language, other Mongolian languages and Turkic languages are also widespread in Mongolia. Mongolia is the most sparsely populated country in the world. Mining and agriculture, as well as the mining of copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, and gold, make up a large part of the country's industrial output. Education is one of the priorities of the country's domestic policy. Thanks to the creation of seasonal boarding schools for children from families of nomads, there is practically no illiterate population in the country. Having carefully preserved the culture of their ancestors, today Mongolia is a combination of skyscrapers and yurts, ancient Buddhist temples and modern ski resorts, a nomadic lifestyle and international universities. All this is a manifestation of love for one's origin. What is most valued in Mongolian culture. Mongolia is a country of steppes and constantly blue skies. For many, this country has become a real source of inspiration. The birthplace of Genghis Khan is known throughout the world for its rich history, untouched nature and nomadic exoticism. There are over a thousand permanent lakes and many more temporary ones that form during the rainy season and disappear during the dry season. The capital Ulaanbaatar is a modern city that combines cultural identity and modern buildings with shopping malls. Perhaps, finding yourself in Mongolia, you can meditate on the top of a Buddhist shrine or contemplate the beauty of alpine meadows, or listen to the music of the Uriankhais and still find the entrance to the energy center of the world - the mystical country of Shambhala.