How to move to France

How to move to France

The question of "How to move to France" concerns many people around the globe. France is the capital of fashion and art, a highly developed European country with a stable economy. Its rich historical past, magnificent architecture, nature and climate, top universities, a high concentration of globally recognized companies and brands, and career prospects attract millions of tourists and migrants.

Why people aspire to move to France

If you ask migrants why they want to live in France specifically, you are likely to hear about the beautiful and romantic country with a decent standard of living, new horizons in education and career, personal development, and self-realization. This is applicable to any European country, but France often acts like a magnet, attracting creative and intelligent people.

How to move to France. Paris.
How to move to France. Paris.

Education. School education is free. University education is considered one of the most prestigious in the world and attracts thousands of students from all over the globe. The quality of knowledge in French higher education institutions is very high. Top institutions include: Universite PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres), Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne University, Centrale Supelec, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Sciences Po Paris, Universite de Paris, Universite Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne ENS Paris-Saclay.

Work. You can work as an employee or easily start your own business. The workweek duration is 35 hours. In case of job loss, the state provides the citizen with a decent allowance.

Culture. France is considered one of the main centers of world culture. A country with a rich history and traditions has given the world countless masterpieces in various fields of art, from painting and music to architecture. People come here to immerse themselves in the creative atmosphere and learn from genre masters. Also, France is the capital of high fashion, which attracts the creative bohemia.

How to move to France. Painting Notre-Dame de Paris.
How to move to France. Painting Notre-Dame de Paris.

Economy. One of the strongest in Europe. Economic stability provides confidence in tomorrow and is universally appreciated. The average salary in the country is 2,900 euros before taxes and 2,200 euros after. The minimum wage is around 1,500 euros, and the annual income is approximately 18,000 euros before taxes.

Laws. The country's legislation allows citizens to feel maximally protected, having all the necessary rights and freedoms.

Status of a European Union citizen. Freedom of movement across European countries without additional permits and visas opens up new opportunities for travel, self-development, education, and career growth.

Health. Citizens of France can be assured of their health, having medical insurance. Healthcare organizations provide high-quality services.

Climate. France is famous for its mild climate. There is no scorching heat here. The thermometer rarely rises above 27 degrees in the summer months, and in winter it almost never drops below 5 degrees of frost.

Nature. In France, everyone can find a corner to their liking. There are mountains as well as plains, picturesque provinces, and sandy seashores. The country offers extensive opportunities for diverse activities, from beach to skiing.

Courchevel. How to move to France.
Courchevel. How to move to France.

Cuisine. France is known as the world gastronomy capital. The French treat food not just as a necessity but as an aesthetic pleasure, turning every meal into a mini-celebration. The best wines, cheeses, oysters, chocolate, and other delicacies attract gourmets. The inhabitants of France are adherents of not only delicious but also healthy cuisine, do not eat heavily in the evening, and therefore are generally slim.

How to move to France. French macaroon.
How to move to France. French macaroon.

Of course, there are nuances. Migrants in any country almost always face difficulties. Those planning to move to France should take into account the peculiarities of the host country:

Language. The French language is difficult to learn, starting from the peculiarities of pronunciation and numerous accents within the country, to the multi-tiered grammar and nuances of spelling. But migrants must learn the language to not feel marginalized and to have no limitations, as the French are very reluctant to speak English. They prefer their native language over others.

Mentality. The French may seem detached and cold to many. These are features of the mentality, cautious attitude towards foreigners, and a special commitment to their own culture and traditions. Although in reality, the French are friendly, easy-going, joyful, and creative people. You just need to find the right approach.

Employment. Getting a job can be difficult as the number of vacancies for foreigners is limited. It is especially hard for students without experience. You have to compete for your job, but it's worth it.

Healthcare. Along with quality and insurance, there are certain problems. For example, it is difficult to get an appointment with a good specialized doctor, and many medications are only sold by prescription.

Taxes. Quite high, constituting about a quarter of the citizens' earnings.

Prices. The standard of living in France is high, but so are the prices. Gasoline is particularly expensive, and prices for groceries, property rentals, and services can be steep. Many French people have to resort to loans. Renting an apartment or studio in Paris, for example, will cost about 1,000 euros a month, in other cities - on average 400-600 euros, depending on the area.

How to move to France. Caffee.
How to move to France. Caffee.

What steps need to be taken to move to France

Legalizing your stay in the country involves obtaining a visa, a residence permit (carte de séjour), and permanent residency.

The issuance of a residence permit is handled by the prefecture based on the presence of a long-term visa. The authorities consider the application for 2 to 6 months. The document is issued for 1 year with the possibility of unlimited extension. To obtain a residence permit, you can use various methods (study, work, marriage). But there are mandatory points that anyone intending to move to France should consider:

Only an adult can write an application for a residence permit

  • Only an adult can write an application for a residence permit
  • Must have property owned or rented for a term of at least 1 year
  • Should not have any legal problems
  • Must not have financial debts
  • Need to master the French language, at least at a conversational level
  • Prove the availability of funds, with at least 1,500 euros in a bank account and a total annual income of at least 20,000 euros

What documents need to be provided for a residence permit application:

  • International passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Type D visa
  • Documentary proof of purchase or rental of real estate
  • Color photos — 3 pieces
  • Receipts for the paid fee
  • Documentary evidence of no criminal record

What visas can be used to move to France

  • Work. Based on an employment contract with an employer
  • Student, educational. Based on an admission order from a university
  • Spouse visa — marriage to a French citizen
  • Business. For entrepreneurs who need to spend a long time in France
  • Investor visa. Given to large investors based on investments in the country's economy of at least 1 million euros

Visas are divided into short-term and long-term based on their duration of validity. A short-term visa is valid for several years, allowing a stay in the country for no more than 90 days within six months and a total duration of no more than 5 years.

A long-term visa allows staying in France for more than 3 months. It can be an 'equivalent to a residence permit' or 'requiring a residence permit.'

In the first case, it's possible to stay in France for more than 3 months without additional legalization of residence. Students, spouses, employees with a contract of a year or more, and financially independent citizens who are not permitted to work can obtain this type of visa. Without registration, a person's stay in France becomes illegal after 3 months.

In the second case, immediately after moving, it's necessary to visit the prefecture to apply for a residence permit. Entrepreneurs, spouses or parents of French citizens, underage students, research scholars, and artists can obtain this type of visa.

How to move to France. Submitting documents to the French Embassy.
How to move to France. Submitting documents to the French Embassy.

What are the ways to obtain a residence permit for moving to France?

Residence Permit for Students, Study. You can obtain a residence permit when enrolling in a French university. You need to present an enrollment order. The duration of study must be at least 3 months. Besides, it is necessary to prove financial means to live in the country. Studies can be combined with work, but not more than 20 hours per week. After graduation, it is possible to obtain a residence permit through employment.

Residence Permit for Work (Employees). If a person has good education and high qualification, which is in demand in the country, there is a possibility to move to France through employment. For this, it is necessary to obtain a Blue Card of the EU, which confirms the presence of higher education and professional experience of at least 5 years. The duration of the employment contract must be at least 1 year.

To obtain a residence permit, an employee must provide a diploma of higher education and a registered employment contract with the employer. If the decision is positive, the person is issued a work permit and a residence permit, which does not exceed the duration of the contract. In the future, they can count on permanent residency. It is easiest to get a job for representatives of rare and in-demand specialties.

Residence Permit for Financially Independent Citizens. If a migrant has sufficient funds to live without working for a long period, they can, for example, buy property to rent out. In this case, they receive a residence permit for one year with possible extension. Working activities are prohibited in this case. It is very convenient that one can apply for children up to 25 years old and parents from 65 years old who are financially dependent on the applicant.

Residence Permit for Business Representatives. If a worker's company opens a branch in France, they can also apply for a residence permit. In this case, the documents for permanent residency can be submitted after three years instead of five. The employee must present a contract with the business branch, a certificate of income, and confirm the presence of housing in France. The Department of Labor participates in the consideration. If the decision is positive, the worker first receives a visa, and after arriving in France, a residence permit. They can also submit documents for children up to 25 years old and parents.

Investments. You can move to France and obtain a residence permit by investing at least 300,000 euros in the assets of a French company under the French Tech program. Also, you need to own at least 10% of the company's shares. The term of the residence permit in this case is 4 years, during which one needs to participate in the development and support of the business.

Family Reunification. If a person legally resides in France for at least one and a half years and extends their residence permit, they can invite a spouse and minor children. Marriage and birth certificates for children will be required. The term of the residence permit for the invitees is the same as for the inviting party. The inviting party confirms the level of income necessary to support relatives and presents documents of having housing. The application is submitted through the prefecture. Relatives receive a visa at the consulate.

Residence Permit for "Subsidiary Protection" or "Stateless Status". "Subsidiary protection" is granted when there is a threat of physical harm in the homeland, but without political persecution. "Stateless status" is issued when the applicant has no citizenship in any country. An application is submitted to the prefecture, and then the person receives a temporary residence permit, a corresponding certificate, and a room in a hotel. The term of the residence permit in this case is 4 years. There is an opportunity to then apply for refugee status.

How to move to France for permanent residency

Permanent residency (PR) is issued for 10 years with the right to subsequent renewal. To obtain PR, you always need to first obtain a visa and a residence permit. Let's see which categories can get PR sooner than others:

Spouse of a French citizen. The most popular way. First, you need to obtain a special visa. Spouses also undergo testing on their knowledge of the French language and culture. If knowledge is insufficient, free courses are offered. If residing continuously in France, documents for PR can be submitted after 4 years, otherwise, after 5.

Migration based on a PACS agreement is possible. The essence is that partners confirm living together.

Business representatives moving with a new branch of the company.

Refugees with confirmed status. Gives the right to rent housing, legal work, free education, family reunification, and PR application.

Other categories need to legally reside in France for a minimum of 5 years to obtain PR. The applicant must prove that they lived in France for the required period, confirm the necessary level of income, absence of tax debts and legal violations, as well as a sufficient level of language proficiency. The authorities can deny PR for any of these reasons. Everything can be corrected, except crimes against the country. In this case, it is impossible to restore your status.

It is better not to joke with observing laws and legalizing your stay in France. This is strictly monitored, and violations lead to sanctions, serious fines, and deportations.

It is easiest to legalize the stay for family members, students, and investors. But other methods work too, just require a bit more effort. The procedure for processing documents is transparent and clear, but people still have questions and difficulties, which various legal organizations and consulates help to resolve.

If you truly love France, its language, culture, and people, then nothing is impossible for moving to this amazing country. Dreams should come true, take action!

# documents # residence permit # moving