What is Easter?

The Resurrection of Christ, or as it is also called, Easter is the most important Christian holiday. The most important event of the year for all Orthodox Christians. In 2023, Easter is celebrated on April 16.
Before we understand what is Easter let's look at what it was before the coming of Christ
The Old Testament says that the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians. At that time, Egypt was a world of pharaohs and polytheism, ruled by Ramses II. While being oppressed by the Egyptians, the Jewish people believed that one day God would come and free them from suffering. The cry of the Israeli people was heard by God, and he sent Moses as a liberator.
The prophet brought down 10 Egyptian plagues on the country, and only the tenth made the cruel heart of Pharaoh soften. That night all the Israelites left Egypt and this became an important event in Old Testament history. And Easter, which coincided with the deliverance from slavery, became an annual holiday, as a remembrance of the Exodus. It is from that time that Jews celebrate the Holy Holiday of Passover as a symbol of liberation from slavery through the efforts of God.

What is Easter holiday for the Christian - it is a triumphant remembrance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after His crucifixion. At one of the meals, Jesus gathered his 12 disciples-apostles and said that soon one of them will betray him. That Easter dinner (meal) is called the Last Supper. That was His last meal, where they celebrated the Old Testament Passover, established in memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Christ took the bread in his hands and said:
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, «Take, eat; this is My body.» Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, «Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Gospel of Matthew 26:26-29

Jesus commanded the disciples to keep this custom and to do it in remembrance of His death on the cross.
On Good Friday, the Lord was crucified on the cross at Calvary. Mary Magdalene and other women, who witnessed His suffering and death, came to the Holy Sepulcher only a day later, at dawn on Sunday, and saw an angel who told them that Christ had risen.
Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples--and Peter--that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.
Gospel of Mark.16:6-7
And the modern name of the day of the week - Sunday - comes specifically from the Christian holiday of Easter.
Resurrection of Christ or what is Easter?
The word “Passover” (Pesach) literally translates from Hebrew as “passing by”, “transition”. It is important that the phrase “passing by” should be understood as the meaning of the word “mercy.” Therefore, the verb “Pesach” must be translated as “spared.”
The name refers to the most dramatic moment - the tenth plague of Egypt, when an angel, seeing the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts of Jewish houses, passed by and spared the firstborn of Israelites, unlike the Egyptians. The name “Easter” refers specifically to the Old Testament times and reflects the peculiarities of the celebration of Easter in the Ancient Church.
The night of the Exodus became a second birth for the Israeli people, the beginning of their independent history.
Like birds flying about, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem. Defending, He will also deliver it; Passing over, He will preserve it.
Gospel of Isa.31:5
After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter is remembered as the atonement for the sins of mankind, the one who crushed hell and gave all people a hope of eternal life. The symbolism of the Jewish Passover was reflected in the Passover of Christ. Christ, who came to deliver all people from the spiritual “slavery of Egypt,” takes part in the Jewish. He Himself takes the place of the Passover sacrifice, and the old Passover becomes the Passover of the new Lamb, slaughtered for the purification of people once and for all. It turns out that the Resurrection of Christ and Easter are the main concepts for Christians that unite the old and new Easter.
The Old Passover is celebrated because of the salvation of the short-lived life of the Jewish firstborn, and the new Passover is celebrated because of the granting of eternal life to all people.
John Chrysostom
What is Easter and why it is celebrated on different days?

The annual religious and festive cycle of the Jews from Moses was tied to the lunar calendar, which is 11 days shorter than the solar one. Because of this circumstance, in different years the same phases of the moon fall on different dates of months.
The first Christians celebrated Easter at different times. Some together with the Jews, others on the first Sunday after the Jews. Gradually these differences became more and more noticeable and a dispute arose between the Western and Eastern communities. And then at the First Ecumenical Council they raised the question of a singular day for all Easter celebrations.
And now Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the full moon that will follow the spring equinox.
How do Old Believers celebrate Easter and what is it?
Old Believers are the followers of religious movements who did not recognize the church reform carried out in 1650–1660. The customs of the Old Believer Church go back to the times of Ancient Rus'.
Old Believers of all accords have similar common traditions for celebrating the Holy Resurrection of Christ. The holiday begins with a service in the temple and continues at home with a feast for the family. Of course, everyone keeps to a strict fast until Easter.
Currently, there are many movements among supporters of the old rite, the largest being the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.
In some communities in Siberia, Easter cakes are not baked or blessed. By the way, in the Russian Orthodox Church the consecration of Easter cakes takes place on Saturday before Easter, while among the Old Believers the consecration occurs after the all-night vigil. In other communities it is not customary to dress formally during Easter but the eggs can be painted only red.

The common Easter tradition of all Old Believers is the attitude towards work during Bright Week. On the eve of the holiday, Christians work only the first half of the day, and working throughout Easter week is considered to be a great sin. Easter is a time for spiritual joy and solemn prayer.
But despite the different movements and communities, for all Old Believers Easter is a Triumph of triumphs, a victory of good over evil and light over darkness.
What about now? What is Easter and how to celebrate it now?
Easter is a bright holiday even the not so religious people love and celebrate. And during the greeting, instead of “hello,” everyone says: “Christ has risen,” to which they answer: “Truly He has risen,” and kiss each other on the cheek three times. People wish each other Happy Easter and exchange Easter cakes and colored eggs - as a symbol of life.
All believers prepare for Easter and hold Great Lent for seven weeks. It is considered one of the strictest fasts. On Thursday before Sunday, everyone bakes Easter cakes, paints eggs, and prepares Easter cottage cheese. Thursday is called Maundy Thursday, since on this day people strive to clear their minds, devote the day to get the house in order and take communion in church.
On Easter night itself, a religious procession around the temple begins with the continuous ringing of bells.

The celebration of this great holiday lasts forty days. That is how long the Risen Lord stayed on earth.
Easter is rooted in history, but everyone has their own traditions. For example, in Germany, Easter is a public holiday. In all schools, children have a vacation and everyone is given Easter bunnies. In Switzerland and other countries, chocolate eggs are hidden in the garden and children have to look for them. Children believe that these eggs were brought to them by the Easter Bunny, whose white fur symbolizes innocence and purity. In France, for example, famous designers together with confectioners produce a limited collection of chocolate Easter eggs. In Italy, instead of Easter cake, they bake colombes, which means dove. In Russia, it is customary to hold feasts at home, drink Cahors, eat Easter cakes, and all churches have the bell towers open for anyone to climb and ring the bells.

No matter how Easter is celebrated, it is a joyful time in any case, a time of numerous gifts and good deeds. The main thing is that our hearts remain kind and our thoughts remain pure, not only during this great holiday, but always and constantly.
Main Church of the Resurrection of Christ
All temples in all countries are magnificent structures. They are all prayed for and built by real masters.
But the first, the most important and the most famous temple is the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection of Christ or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was built on the very spot where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and then resurrected. On September 13, 335 it was solemnly consecrated.
The temple is divided among all Christian denominations in certain proportions. Each has its own chapels and the hours for prayer. The main ownership rights belong to the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is one of the most sacred places for Christians around the world.
On Easter days, the believers from different parts of the world come there. It is a center of Christian pilgrimage. Nearby are also located such shrines as Golgotha - the place of the crucifixion of Christ, the Edicule - the main place in the center of the rotunda above the Holy Sepulcher itself, the Stone of Anointing - the slab on which the tortured body of the Savior was laid, the Holy Sepulcher.
On the eve of Easter, on Holy Saturday, every year the Holy Fire descends the temple - the fire that comes from the Holy Sepulcher. The removal of the Holy Light symbolizes the “True Light” exiting the Tomb - that is, the risen Jesus Christ.
This miracle happens every year for several centuries. Thousands of people come to witness this event.

All Orthodox Christians really look forward to the descent of the Holy Fire, since according to one legend, if the Holy Fire does not descend, that signifies the beginning of the last days before the End of the World.
Therefore, many people all over the world are watching this event, and all believers are praying that the Holy Light will descend and then another year will be given to correct mistakes and atone for sins.