Move to USA

Move to USA

The inquiry about how to move to USA has remained one of the most popular on the internet for decades. The country, with one of the world's strongest economies, valuable higher education, and an impressive labor market constantly in need of skilled professionals, has long been considered the number one destination for many people dreaming of relocation.

Let's understand why the USA has become the dream country for hundreds of thousands of diverse people on our planet.

Why do people move to USA, and what are the country's pros and cons?

The motivation for moving to the United States can be varied, but most often it is based on the desire to improve the quality of life, achieve a higher level of safety and stability, and search for new opportunities for development.

What exactly makes people look for ways to move to USA? Let's consider the obvious advantages of this country:

  • Economic stability. The USA is one of the largest and most stable economies in the world. This attracts entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals seeking to implement business projects or find high-paying jobs.
  • High standard of living. The USA offers a high standard of living, including quality healthcare, a variety of goods and services, as well as luxurious leisure and recreation opportunities.
  • Education. The country is famous for its world-class educational institutions. Many foreign students look for ways to move to USA to obtain higher education, which can increase their chances of professional success.
  • Career growth. The US labor market offers extensive opportunities for professional development and career advancement. Qualifications and professional skills are valued, allowing hardworking and talented people to reach high positions and earn wages they could only dream of in their home countries.
  • Safety. The USA is rightly considered to be one of the safest countries in the world. The government and local authorities make significant efforts to maintain order and ensure the safety of citizens and visitors.
  • Cultural diversity. America is a country of immigrants, which is reflected in its cultural palette. Many people living in the country have long ago solved (for themselves) how to move to USA and have experienced firsthand that it respects and accepts representatives of different cultures, races, and religions. This approach creates a truly unique and open atmosphere. It is relatively easy to integrate into the local environment if you are proficient in English.
  • Stability and prospects. Many people see the USA as a country with a predictable future, free from global upheavals, and a low probability of large-scale armed conflicts within the state. Moving here is perceived as a step towards a stable and secure future for themselves and their children.

Certainly, the country has many downsides that need to be considered when looking into moving to USA. These include costly healthcare, high cost of living (especially for housing rent, medical insurance, transportation expenses, etc.), difficulties with employment (in many fields there is very high competition, and foreign degrees are not always easy to validate), among other issues. For some categories of immigrants, it may be difficult to obtain permanent legal status.

Why People Move to USA
Why People Move to USA

Despite all the downsides, the USA continues to attract migrants from around the world, offering them excellent opportunities for self-realization, education, and building a successful career.

Is it possible to move to USA and how to do it

Relocating to the United States of America is a dream for many, but the question of how feasible it is depends on a number of key factors. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • The purpose of moving. Why are you planning to move to USA? Is it for work migration, study, family reunification, or perhaps seeking political asylum? Each of these categories has specific types of visas and their own requirements.
  • Professional skills and education. Having in-demand specialties and a recognized level of education can significantly simplify the process of obtaining a work visa. Professionals in IT, healthcare, science, engineering, and other sought-after fields have higher chances of successful immigration.
  • Family ties. Having close relatives who are already living in the United States and have American citizenship or permanent residency can ease the immigration process. Relatives not only can advise on how to move to USA but also initiate the family reunification procedure on American territory.
  • Financial stability. Proof of your financial independence and the ability to support yourself while living in the USA is a mandatory condition for most types of visas.
  • Health. The absence of serious illnesses is also an important factor for successful immigration. A medical examination in an accredited clinic will be required for confirmation.
  • Legal issues in your own country. Having a criminal record is grounds for denial of any visa. The exception may only be a criminal record obtained for one's political views, religious beliefs, etc.
Is it possible to move to USA and how to do it?
Is it possible to move to USA and how to do it?

The practical aspect of figuring out how to move to USA always takes a considerable amount of time. And here we're talking not just about months, but years. Moreover, this process will inevitably require your attention, nerves, money, and effort for preparing documents, undergoing interviews, and medical examinations.

Nevertheless, with the right approach and compliance with the requirements of the American government, the dream of living in America can indeed become a reality.

How to move to USA with immigration visas

Let's consider the immigration visas that are most popular for answering the question of how to move to USA.

  • Work Visas. Applying for a work visa in the United States implies having an employer who is willing to undertake the process of preparing the necessary documents for a foreign employee, pay the government fee, and in some cases, prove that it was not possible to find a specialist of the same level within the country. Formally, all such visas are considered non-immigrant, however, some of them (H1B, H2B, L1, O1) provide the right to later apply for a Green Card.
  • Family Reunification Visas. If you have close relatives living in the USA legally, you can apply for a family reunification visa. This process can also take a considerable amount of time, and the duration depends on the degree of kinship and the quotas available for the type of visa. The fiancé(e) visa (K-1) also falls under this category, which allows the future spouses of American citizens and Green Card holders to move to USA.
  • Student Visas. For those planning to pursue education in the USA, there are F and M category student visas. Obtaining such a visa presupposes admission to an American educational institution and proof of financial ability to pay for the education. These are not immigrant visas, but they provide a basis for entry and temporary stay in the USA – thus, giving additional time to figure out how to move to USA on immigrant visas.
  • Visas for Individuals with Extraordinary Abilities (EB-1 and O1). Designed for individuals whose outstanding abilities in various fields provide grounds to consider such a candidate an excellent prospect for permanent residence in the States. Moving to USA on such a visa is challenging but possible. EB-1 is an immigrant visa, while O1 is formally not, but allows a relatively long stay in the States. Understanding how to move to USA on such visas and gathering substantial evidence of the uniqueness of talents and their recognition at the national level requires a lot of time and effort.
  • Investment. To apply for this type of immigration visa, it is necessary to prove that the money the applicant plans to invest in moving to USA was obtained entirely legally and has nothing to do with criminal schemes.
  • Political Asylum/Refugee Status. Suitable for individuals persecuted in their home country for political, religious, or other beliefs. It is necessary to prove that staying in the home country is dangerous for the life, health, and freedom of the applicant for asylum or refugee status.
  • Green Card Lottery. The US government annually conducts the Green Card lottery, winners of which can enter the USA legally. Citizens of many countries can participate, except for those from a strictly defined list of states. The chances of winning depend on the number of people who want to take advantage of such an opportunity in your country, and the application process requires carefulness and accuracy.
How to move to USA with immigration visas
How to move to USA with immigration visas

Applying for any of the visas listed that allow moving to USA as the country of your dreams requires gathering a substantial package of documents, including proof of your financial stability and satisfactory health condition. Other requirements depend on the type of visa.

The application process always takes a long time (months, sometimes years). It is important to wait patiently and be prepared for possible rejections and the need to submit additional or new documents.

How to move to USA for permanent residency

Solving the task of moving to USA for permanent residency becomes more complex each year. Let's try to draft a rough plan to act upon.

  1. Choosing an immigration category. You need to decide under which category you will be applying. The main categories are listed in the previous section. To understand how to move to USA for permanent residency, it's worth reading in more detail about all the existing options on the official website of the U.S. government.
  2. Filing a petition. For most immigration categories, it is necessary for your relative or employer in the USA to file a petition for you with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). In some cases, the petition is filed by the applicant themselves (using courier delivery services).
  3. Applying for a visa. After the petition is approved, you can apply for an immigration visa.
  4. Medical examination and interview. Before moving to USA for permanent residency, you will need to undergo a medical examination at an accredited clinic and then an interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country. For Russia and some other states, interviews are often only possible in neighboring countries.
  5. Obtaining the visa and moving. After successfully passing the interview, you are issued an immigration visa, which allows you to stop wondering how to move to USA for permanent residency. This visa is your ticket to enter the USA and the path to obtaining the status of a permanent resident of the States.
  6. Receiving the Green Card. After entering the USA, you will receive your Green Card by mail, confirming your status as a permanent resident of the USA. This document is the confirmation of your status and the final step to go through to move to USA for permanent residency.
How to Relocate to the USA for Permanent Residency
How to Relocate to the USA for Permanent Residency

It is important to consider that the process can take a long time (sometimes years). It depends on the immigration category and the current workload of the immigration services.

You will need to prepare and provide various documents, including birth certificates, police clearance certificates, financial documents, and many other documents confirming the circumstances of your immigration case. All documents not in English must be translated and certified.

In most cases, it is recommended to seek assistance from an immigration lawyer to ensure the correctness of all steps and the submission of necessary documents.

Preparing and going through the immigration process requires attention to detail and patience, but the result will be the opportunity to start a new life with new possibilities, without seeking answers to the question "how to move to USA for permanent residency."

# reasonstomove # documents # residence permit # moving