Yemen (Republic of Yemen) is located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula and is the southernmost country in the Arab world. It is washed by the Red and Arabian seas. The form of government is a presidential republic, the head of state is the president. The capital is Sana'a. It borders with Saudi Arabia and Oman.
Climate. The climate in Yemen is varied and can vary significantly between regions due to the country's location on the Arabian Peninsula and differences in topography. Most of Yemen has a desert or semi-desert climate. This region is characterized by high temperatures, little rainfall and strong sunshine. In summer, temperatures can rise above 40°C, and in some areas even up to 50°C. In mountainous areas, the climate is more temperate. Here summers are cooler, and in winter temperatures can drop to zero or below. The western coast of Yemen is influenced by the monsoon, which brings more intense rainfall and milder temperatures in the summer.
The population in 2022 was 33,696,614.
Language. The official language of Yemen is Arabic. It is widely used in education, government, business and media. Several languages are spoken in Yemen and local languages and dialects may vary by region.
Yemen's economy is heavily dependent on oil production and exports. This represents about 70% of the contribution to the state budget. 10% is agriculture. They grow grain, fruits, vegetables, beans, coffee, and cotton. Yemen is one of the countries with the highest poverty rates in the world. Millions of people are hungry and in need of humanitarian assistance due to the lack of access to food and medical care.
Conflict and economic hardship have led to job losses and lower incomes for many families. Unemployment remains a serious problem. Yemen has faced hyperinflation, causing prices for food and other goods to rise. Conflict and instability have greatly reduced foreign investment and international trade. Yemen is also experiencing one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world, with millions of refugees and internal displacement of people in need of humanitarian assistance.